Custom medals are often a great way to acknowledge achievement in a variety of areas including sports, business, and charity. Whatever the type of event or category of award, a personalized design is often highly appreciated and gives much room for creativity. When presenting personalized medals to their recipients, there are a few rules you should follow. Research The Person It is customary when presenting an award to say something about the person receiving it and why. If you are the person doing the presenting, ensure that you do enough research into the person to find enough complimentary things to say about them. Focus on areas that best relate to …

Much like with school days, businesses have grown to recognize the value of acknowledging the accomplishments of their employees.  Recognizing excellent employees with custom medals and personalize awards are a sure way to show appreciation.  You value their top performance and hard work with a small gesture, and the rewards go beyond the prize. Morale Boosting Getting recognition from an employer on accomplishments is great for morale. One feels appreciated and increases their desire to do better. Consider such categories as the best salesman, customer care champion, and more. Businesses can pick out many valuable niches. This can also help promote healthy competition, as others will also strive to do …